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Chartering with ease.


Chartering with ease.


Our company provides the following types of chartering in the international seaport "Turkmenbashi".

Chartering by voyage charter, which in turn is subdivided into:

  • chartering for one voyage (one voyage c/p). In this case, after the delivery of the cargo to the recipient and the completion of all settlements for this voyage, the charterers and shipowners are free from mutual obligations. They can conclude the following contract with each other or with other partners on the same or other conditions, to agree on the same or another freight rate;
  • chartering of a vessel for several consecutive voyages (consecutive voyage c/p). According to this agreement, the operator, after the completion of the first voyage, is obliged to immediately send the vessel to the second, then to the third, and so on until the entire agreed number of voyages is completed. The freight amount is paid separately for each flight at predetermined rates. During the entire term of the contract, it is impossible to transport cargo of other owners on the ship without the consent of the charterer, even in passing or in the opposite ballast direction. Replacement of the ship stipulated in the contract with a substitute on the first or any of the subsequent voyages must also be agreed with the charterer;

Contract affreightment. It is an agreement on the carriage by regular flights of a certain amount of cargo of a given charterer during a specified calendar period (for example, 3-12 months). To fulfill its obligations, the carrier has the right to attract not only its own, but also leased tonnage and to replace vessels during the term of the contract. The main terms of the freight contract: the term of the contract, indicating the specific dates of its beginning and end, ports (ranges) of loading and unloading; type and total quantity of cargo, distribution of shipments by months (in tons, or by number of trips), type or carrying capacity of ships that the carrier can use to fulfill the contract, the minimum interval for ships to be loaded. The contract may establish restrictions on the age and dimensions of the vessels (length, draft in full load), requirements for suitability for cargo operations, for the transportation of packaged cargo, for the presence of an ice, etc.

Partner in Turkmenistan:

23B, Gaudan "B", Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Partner in UAE:

Office 10, Ground Floor, Makateb Business Center, Ajman, United Arab Emirates

Partner in Turkey:

Room 109, Block 97-99, Ozyurtlar Residence, Dogan Arasli Boulevard, Zafer District, Esenyurt, Istanbul, Turkey

Partner in Kazakhstan:

Room 226, Office 2, House 43, Makarova st., Almaty, Kazakhstan

«Tylla nal» is your reliable partner in trade and transport logistics.

Contact us

Contact us
+993 12 270036
+993 12 274701

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